Veterans' Outreach
Fellowship Night Law Clinic Coffee Hour Jobs Specialist
Veterans Outreach is a pre-scheduled program for all veterans. We are a group of veterans providing a place for veterans to help veterans. The Veterans Outreach is NOT affiliated with Veterans' Administration.
Veterans Fellowship Night
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
All are welcome to join the Wednesday Evening Fellowship Time at Clean Heart.
Veterans' Law Clinic
Third Thursday of each month
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
By appointment only - call (931) 256-5023
The Veterans' Law Clinic provides Simple Wills, General Legal Consultation,
Health Care Durable Powers of Attorney and Financial Durable Powers of Attorney.
Veterans Coffee Hour
Fourth Friday of each month
9:00 am
Bring a Vet to Coffee Hour...a time for veterans to exchange war stories
and build friendships.
Veterans Jobs Specialist
First and third Wednesday of each month
9:30 am to 2:00 pm
Veterans can meet with a program specialist from the American Job Center of Tennessee who will help them find meaningful work.